Saw (em português: Jogos Mortais) é o primeiro longa-metragem da série de horror/suspense Saw, escrito por James Wan e Leigh Whannell e dirigido por James Wan.
Lançado em 29 de outubro de 2004, o filme teve um orçamento muito reduzido e foi filmado em apenas 18 dias. Teve a sua primeira apresentação em Janeiro de 2004 no Festival Sundance de Cinema. Apesar do baixo orçamento, o filme teve um enorme sucesso que rendeu várias sequências.
Enredo (Muitos Spoilers)
Dois homens desconhecidos acordam acorrentados pelo tornozelo num banheiro abandonado. Um deles é o dr. Lawrence Gordon (Cary Elwes); o outro é o fotógrafo Adam Faulkner (o próprio roteirista Whannell). No meio dos dois, um cadáver sobre uma poça ensangüentada e um gravador. No gravador, uma mensagem: "Eu quero propor um jogo". É a voz de um serial killer que a polícia procura, chamado JIGSAW (Tobin Bell), conhecido por propor jogos mortais às suas vítimas. No caso da dupla, o jogo é simples: Adam deve lutar para não morrer; e o dr. Gordon deve matar Adam até as seis da tarde (um grande relógio numa das paredes informa o horário durante todo o filme), ou então algo terrível acontecerá à sua família.
Paralelamente, através de flashbacks, descobrimos mais sobre a carreira de JIGSAW, inclusive que há um detetive da polícia, David Tapp (Danny Glover, único astro a aparecer na série), perseguindo obsessivamente o vilão. No final-surpresa, os dois homens resolvem não fazer o jogo de JIGSAW. Pelo contrário: desesperado, o dr. Gordon decepa o próprio pé para conseguir fugir e tentar salvar sua família (que, naquele momento, já está salva, mas somente o espectador sabe disso). E Adam descobre, desesperado, que o "cadáver" caído entre eles este tempo todo era o próprio JIGSAW, testemunhando ao vivo o jogo dos dois homens.
Ator | Papel |
Leigh Whannell | Adam Faulkner |
Cary Elwes | Dr. Lawrence Gordon |
Danny Glover | Detetive David Tapp |
Ken Leung | Detetive Steven Sing |
Dina Meyer | Kerry |
Mike Butters | Paul |
Paul Gutrecht | Mark |
Michael Emerson | Zep Hindle |
Benito Martinez | Brett |
Shawnee Smith | Amanda |
Makenzie Vega | Diana Gordon |
Monica Potter | Alison Gordon |
Ned Bellamy | Jeff |
Alexandre Bokyum Chun | Carla |
Tobin Bell | John |
Trilha sonora
- '"Sturm Front Line" (Front Line Assembly)
- '"Hello, Adam" (Charlie Clouser)
- '"Bite the Hand That Bleeds" (Fear Factory)
- '"Last I Heard" (Charlie Clouser))
- '"Action" (Enemy)
- '"Reverse Bear trap" (Charlie Clouser)
- '"You Make Me Feel So Dead" (Pitbull Daycare)
- '"X–Marks the Spot" (Charlie Clouser)
- '"Wonderful World" (Psychopomps)
- '"Cigarette" (Charlie Clouser)
- '"We're Out of Time" (Charlie Clouser)
- '"Fuck This Shit" (Charlie Clouser)
- '"Hello Zepp" (Charlie Clouser)
- '"Zepp Overature" (Charlie Clouser)
Teve uma indicação no MTV Movie Awards de Melhor Performance Assustada (Cary Elwes).
Foi o filme que encerrou o Festival de Toronto.
Em 18 dias o filme já estava rodado.
Todas cenas no banheiro foram filmadas em 6 dias.
A pré-produção do filme era de somente cinco dias.
Somente no segundo filme o espectador descobre que Amanda na verdade não é uma vítima, mas sim uma cúmplice de Jigsaw. Entretanto, em flashbacks mostrados
A pré-produção do filme era de somente cinco dias.
O banheiro subterrâneo era, na verdade, um armazém.
Era o filme de encerramento do Toronto Film Festival.
Primeiramente se tornaria um filme "direto para video", mas após as boas aceitações, foi lançado no cinema.
A seqüência "Saw 2" foi aprovada no final de semana de estreia de Jogos Mortais (Saw)
Tobin Bell ficou deitado no chão do banheiro, na mesma posição, por seis dias. Não foi substituído por um manequim pois os diretores não tinha recursos para um.
Frases Memoráveis
Adam: My name is Very Fucking Confused; what's your name?
[last lines]
John: [voice over] Most people are so ungrateful to be alive, but not you, not any more...
[begins to close door]
Adam: Don't! Don't!
[screams, screen goes black]
Adam: NO!
[screams of anguish fade out]
Adam: I don't give a crap if you covered yourself in peanut butter and had a 15 hooker gang bang!
Adam: I'm having a blast! This is the most fun I've had without lubricant!
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: I wouldn't lie to you...
John: Hello, Mr. Hindle. Or as they called you around the hospital: Zepp. I want you to make a choice. There's a slow-acting poison coursing through your system, which only I have the antidote for. Will you murder a mother and her child to save yourself? Listen carefully, if you will. There are rules.
Detective David Tapp: You know, we arrested a dentist last week who liked to play with kids a bit too much. He lived two blocks from here. The sewer lines run under this neighborhood too, doctor.
Adam: I went to bed in my shithole apartment and I woke up in an actual shithole.
John: I'm sick from the disease eating away at me inside...
Kerry: [flashback] Sounds like our friend Jigsaw.
John: I'm sick of people who don't appreciate their blessings...
Kerry: [flashback] ... looks like our guy like's to book himself front row seats to his own sick little games
John: Hello Mark,Paul, Amanda,Zepp, Adam, Dr.Gordon.
John: I want to play a game.
Detective David Tapp: [running after a suspect] I'm'a kill you, you sick asshole!
John: [to Amanda] Congratulations. You are still alive. Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. Not anymore.
John: [on videotape] Hello Amanda. You don't know me, but I know you. I want to play a game. Here's what happens if you lose. The device you are wearing is hooked into your upper and lower jaw. When the timer in the back goes off, your mouth will be permanently ripped open. Think of it like a reverse bear trap. Here, I'll show you. There is only one key to open the device. It's in the stomach of your dead cellmate. Look around Amanda. Know that I'm not lying. Better hurry up. Live or die, make your choice.
John: The key to that chain is in the bathtub.
John: [on audio tape] Rise and shine, Adam. You're probably wondering where you are. I'll tell you where you might be. You might be in the room that you die in. Up until now, you've simply sat in the shadows watching others live out their lives. But what do voyeurs see when they look into the mirror? Now I see you as a strange mix of someone angry, yet apathetic. But mostly just pathetic. So are you going to watch yourself die here today, Adam, or do something about it?
Adam: I don't get it.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: He doesn't want us to cut through our chains. He wants us to cut through our feet!
Detective David Tapp: At least we'll have the cover of darkness.
Detective Steven Sing: So will anybody else.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Did you find anything?
Adam: No solids.
[first lines]
Adam: Help! Someone help me! Is someone there? Hey! Oh shit, I'm probably dead.
Detective David Tapp: Who said anything about a warrant?
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Fuck this shit!
Adam: My last girlfriend was a feminist, vegan punk who broke up with me because she thought I was too angry.
John: Hello, Mark. If you are so sick then why do I have so many photos of you up and about? Let's put your so called "illness" to the test. Right now, there's a slow-acting poison in your veins. The antidote is inside the safe - the combination to the safe is written on the wall. Hurry up and program it in but watch your step.
[Mark steps on one of the many pieces of broken glass scattered on the floor]
John: By the way, that's a flammable substance smeared on your body, so I would be careful with that candle if I were you... or all the people you've burned with your act just might have their revenge.
John: Hello, Paul. You are a perfectly healthy, sane and middle-class male yet last month you ran a straight razor across your wrist. Did you cut yourself because you truly wanted to die or did you just want some attention? Tonight, you'll show me. The irony is that if you want to die you just have to stay where you are, but if you want to live, you'll have to cut yourself again. Find the path through the razor-wire to the door but hurry. At 3:00 that door will lock and then, this room becomes your tomb. How much blood will you shed to stay alive?
John: Dr. Gordon, this is your wake-up call. Everyday of your working life you have given people the news that they're gonna die soon. Now *you* will be the cause of death. Your aim in this game is to kill Adam. You have until six on the clock to do it. There's a man in the room with you. When there's that much poison in your blood, the only thing left to do - is shoot yourself. There are ways to win this, hidden all around you. Just remember, X marks the spot for the treasure. If you do not kill Adam by six, then Alison and Diana will die, Dr. Gordon... and I'll leave you in this room to rot. Let the game begin.
Zep Hindle: Dr. Gordon's time is up, now I gotta do what I gotta do and... I'm afraid it has to be you that tells him he's failed.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: [in bathroom, cell phone ringing] Is that you, Zep, you bastard? I know it's you, you son of a bitch!
Alison Gordon: [back in Gordon household] Larry.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Ali?
Alison Gordon: You failed.
Adam: [as Lawrence is sawing off his foot] No! Oh, my God! What are you doing? Lawrence, what are you doing? What are you... Oh, my God! Lawrence, don't! No! Lawrence, please! I'm begging you! Lawrence, it's not me who did this to you.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: You have to die
Adam: No, I want to live!
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: I'm sorry...
Adam: I want to live!
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: My family...
[shoots Adam]
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: I've done it, now show them to me!
Adam: Look... we're out of time!
Zep Hindle: I'm gonna kill your husband now, Mrs. Gordon!
Zep Hindle: You're too late.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Why?
Zep Hindle: It's the Rules.
Adam: Face it Larry, we're both bullshiters. My camera, it doesn't know how to lie. It only shows you what's put right in front of it
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: You tell anyone you were here?
Carla: No.
[on phone]
Carla: Hello? It's for you.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Me?
[on phone]
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Hello?
John: I know what you're doing, doctor.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: I have to go.
Carla: What happened?
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: I got to go.
Adam: Are they ok?
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: My wife... , she, uh she mentioned your name.
Adam: What did she say?
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: She told me not to believe you.
Adam: Believe me about what?
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: She told me you knew me. Who are you?
Adam: You know who I am.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Stop the lies! You're a liar! I need to know the truth!
Adam: I'm a liar? What did you do last night, Lawrence? Work at the hospital? Saving sick children? You told me last night, that after you left your house last night, you went to work at the hospital.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: That's because it's the truth.
Adam: No, it's not. Your wife was right, Larry. You don't recall getting your picture taken in that parking lot?
[cuts to the garage scene with Lawrence going to his car]
Adam: I can prove you didn't go anywhere near a hospital last night. he shows Larry the pictures from the tub. It's not the first time I've done it either, Larry. I've been taking pictures of you for a few days now.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: But... why?
Adam: You wanna know what I do? I get paid to take pictures of rich guys like you who go to seedy, out-of-the-way motels to fuck their secretaries
Adam: You want to know what I do? I'm paid to follow rich guys like you who go to seedy, out-of-the-way motels to fuck their secretaries.
Alison Gordon: How can you go through life pretending that you're happy?
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: I am happy.
Alison Gordon: That is complete bullshit, I'd rather you break down and tell me that you hated me. At least there would be some passion in it.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: That clock. It's brand new.
Adam: So?
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: So someone obviously wanted us to know the time.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Okay, this patient has an inoperable frontal lobe tumor extending across the midline, started as colon cancer. The patient had come in for a standard check-up, which we were able to monitor the rate at which his condition is declining. The patient ha...
Zep Hindle: His name is John, Dr.Gordon. He's a very interesting person.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Thank you for that information Zepp, as you can see our orderlies form very special bonds with the patients.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Who was it?
Adam: Who was who?
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: The person who paid you to photograph me who was it?
Adam: He calls himself "Bob" and he gives me the money upfront. 200 bucks a night. If I had known I was gonna end up in here I would've asked for a hell of a lot more.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: What does that mean? Does that mean you saw what happened to me?
Adam: What I saw was you get into your car, that's it. I didn't ask your name, I didn't know who you were, I don't know how I got here, I don't know how you got here. I just took the shots and went straight home to develop them. Next thing I know I'm chained to a pipe in some prehistoric bathroom, staring at the guy I've been taking shots of all day.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Clearly whoever paid you to take pictures of me... is the one who put us here!
Adam: Maybe.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: What do you mean "Maybe"? Of course it is. What did this guy look like?
Adam: Well he's just a guy.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Was he tall,dark,skinny,obese?
Adam: I don't take notes on his appearance!
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Clearly you must remember something about him.
Adam: I can't!
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: You mean you're telling me you can't remember a thing about the guy!
Adam: I told you I...
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Oh for fuck's sake! I give up!
Adam: He's a tall black guy, he's got a scar around his neck! Okay?
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Tapp, Detective Tapp.
Adam: Whoa, guy who paid me to take these photos was not a cop.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: No no no, he was discharged from the police force, broked down after his partner got killed. That didn't stop him from harassing me... he convinced himself that I must have somehow been involved with the murders and he's crazy... and you helped him. You took money from him to invade my privacy... how could you do that?
Adam: I call it my need to eat.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Right, ya know what Adam? You are not a victim of this game, YOU'RE A PART OF IT.
Adam: Do you see any scars?
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: What?
Adam: Huh? This is what they do man! They kidnap and drug you, before you know it you're lying in a bathtub and your kidneys are on eBay!
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: No one has taken your kidneys.
Adam: Can you tell from way over there?
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Because you'd need to be in terrible agony or you'd be dead by now, trust me.
Adam: What are you? A surgeon?
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: Yeah.
Detective David Tapp: Right, Sing, right? We're gonna close the scene!
Zep Hindle: Goodnight little girl.
Detective Steven Sing: Maybe you should find yourself a girlfriend.
Zep Hindle: Dont look at me... I can't help you.
Final Surpreendente
Um dos maiores mistérios da história da série (e talvez do cinema hehehe) é o envolvendo o Dr Lawrence Gordon, que após escapar do covil de Jigsaw gravemente ferido jamais foi visto novamente nos filmes seguintes da série ...
Dr. Lawrence Gordon foi o homem responsável pelo diagnóstico de câncer de John Kramer e foi inicialmente um suspeito no caso Jigsaw.Gordon foi colocado em uma armadilha ao lado de Adam e foi incumbido de matá-lo antes do tempo limite acabar ou sua esposa e filha seriam executadas. Ele não conseguiu fazer isso, sendo obrigado a cortar seu próprio pé para se livrar das correntes, na tentativa de conseguir a liberdade. Um flashback em Saw III mostrou-lhe deitado inconsciente no chão do banheiro. Saw V mostrou que Hoffman colocou uma caneta de Gordon em uma cena de crime do jigsaw afim de incrimina-lo.
Quando Leigh Whannell perguntou para Cary Elwes o que ele pensava sobre o destino de seu personagem no comentário para Saw: Uncut Edition DVD, Elwes respondeu com "Let's face it, guys. Ele cortou a perna inteira fora. A perda de sangue sozinho, mesmo com torniquete patética que ele fez com a camisa. It's a wrap. Ele não vai chegar a dois quarteirões. "Darren Lynn Bousman disse sobre os comentários de DVD para Saw IV que sua intenção era deixar o destino do Dr. Gordon sem resposta para deixar os fãs tirarem as suas próprias conclusões. Em uma entrevista em novembro de 2009 o repórter Matt Demon perguntou a Patrick Melton, co-escritor de Saw IV, V, VI e VII , se o destino do Dr. Gordon iria ser respondido antes do fim da série. Melton afirmou que o destino de Gordon será revelado em Saw VII, possivelmente o último filme da série.

Poster da Campanha de doação de Sangue "Blood drive"

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